Thursday, January 15, 2009

Obama Fever

I work not to far from the White House. The bus that I catch goes pass The White House. Yesterday as I was standing waiting for my bus a car with out of state tags drove pass and asked us was that really the white house. A young man replied the one and only and after tuesday it will be called the black house. Everyone at the bus stop chuckled as the confused woman said thanks and drove off.

Inauguration mania has already taken over much of D.C. Tickets to anything were sold out even before they were announced. I plan of attending the inaguration so I will let you know if I survived. Streets are blocked and there will be tons of partying.

Jon Bon Jovi, Oprah Winfrey, Ann Hathaway, Susan Sarandon, John Cusack, Rihanna, Jamie Fox, Diddy, Jay Z, Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, Mariah Carey, Faith Hill, Shakira, Nick Cannon, Akon, Ludacris, Courtney Cox and Husband David Arquette, Halle Berry, Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg just to name a few of the people who will be in Washington D.C. I Met someone today who just got off the amtrack train at Union Station from nyc and Star Jones and Beyonce were riding on the same train. I'm getting exhausted just thinking about how I'm going to get around on tuesday.

I will leave you with a slide presentation of President Obama and his family.

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