The media mogul shows off four very dramatic looks on the cover of the October issue of O: The Oprah Magazine. The different covers reflect the issue’s theme, “Seeing Life Through a New Lens.”
Among the looks are the 60-year-old wearing stunning purple eyeshadow with a red hood; a cropped do with bangs and bright red lipstick; the star decked out in diamonds; and Winfrey with hair and makeup that’s closest to her everyday style.
The former talk show host reflected on how all people are unique in their own way, noting that “as it turns out, none of is ‘normal’ – which means that all of us are.”
As for her different looks on the cover of O, which took a marathon 12-hour photo shoot to complete, Winfrey raved, “I love makeup. I love playing with makeup.”
She jokingly described that the diamond halo and diamond cuffs she wears for one of the portraits are like “grills for fancy people.”
“The Butler” star also divulged the qualities that she believes define her.
“Most people would be surprised to know how much time I spend alone,” she said. “Not lonely. Just alone. With myself. I crave silence.”
“It’s how I balance out the volume that’s necessary to run a network and a magazine and remain somewhat sociable,” she added. “What make me me is being able to return to stillness.”
The October issue of O hits newsstands Sept. 16.