The feeling is joy. That’s the sole—and soul—reaction to witnessing Iman Abdulmajid model up close. With more than a quarter century of photo shoots behind her, the 58-year-old moves with the grace and confidence of an authority in her field. She glides through poses and looks, and it’s clear Iman needs no direction—instead, she offers it. “Through the years, I’ve learned what works for me,” she explains. “Most importantly, I can see in my head the final shot, so the objective is to create something original and modern, to serve the photographer’s vision.” Iman is poised and precise in action, and it’s not long before the entire room recognizes as fact what the unacquainted may assume is fiction: Iman is a living masterpiece.
In 2012, Iman’s world went digital with the launch of destinationiman.com, an online portal that presents her multifaceted empire through a glossy, curated eye. The editorial-driven site features advice, fashion tips and a glimpse into her glamorous globe-trotting lifestyle. On Twitter, her posts as @The_Real_IMAN reveal her daily routine (#imandaily), style savvy, home décor and archival images, boasting more than 80,000 followers.
Today, the supermodel turned super mogul is expanding her empire with the IMAN Home Bed & Bath Collection. The new collection translates Iman’s global aesthetic into bold, printed bedding, pillows and towels and takes inspiration from many chic locales like Hollywood, Morocco and Ibiza. “You can really see the journey from my background in fashion as I approached this collection as if it were a wardrobe for rooms,” she says. “I believe that layering doesn’t only apply to fashion and jewelry; I played with patterns by layering ikat with medallions, stripes with animal prints to create rooms with an interesting mix of textures, patterns and visuals.” Home is truly where the heart is for Iman. “Home is where I seduce my husband, nurture my children, entertain my friends and nourish my soul,” she announces on her website.
Iman’s path to lifestyle guru has forged the way for many other famous faces like Tyra Banks and Heidi Klum to create a career post modeling. She has been showered with numerous accolades for both her personal style and business acumen. In just the last few years alone, she has been honored with the coveted CFDA Fashion Icon Award in 2010 and the Hall of Fame Award by the Accessories Council in 2013, selected by the Business of Fashion as one of the 500 Most Influential People and honored by BRAG (Black Retail Action Group) in 2013.
It’s a heady legacy, which, while based on beauty, clearly wasn’t built on incredible bone structure. The depth and breadth of Iman’s success suggests a shrewd business mind and a persona that suffers no fools. And despite being often called a living legend, Iman is not ready to rest on her laurels. “Absolutely not,” she says. “I’m constantly evolving. Honey, you are never too old to learn a new trick.”